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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Breastfeeding Make Kids Smarter

Breastfeeding can improve educational performance of a child in a few months after the start of school , the researchers said .

According to one study , children who received breastfeeding better academic progress by the age of five years compared to their classmates who are given formula milk.
Research looking at the teacher -evaluation at the end of the first year of schooling , which revealed that children who had been breastfed for the longest period earned the highest overall achievement .

Most importantly , teachers who evaluate not aware of whether the child is given only breast milk or formula .
A team of researchers led by the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit at Oxford University , said the study proves children who get breast-feeding for a period of time may improve their performance in school .

Breastfeeding is associated with better performance in all areas, but most of the benefit is in communication , language and literacy , knowledge and understanding of the world and physical development .
Children who are breast-fed mothers tend to have higher scores for personal development , social and emotional development , problem solving , reasoning , numeracy and creative development . - AGENCIES



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