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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

CEO's Message - MSQH Accreditation of Healthcare Facilities and Services

MSQH Accreditation of Healthcare Facilities and Services is one of the most effective way for health services organisations to continuously and consistently monitor and built in continuous quality improvement in their services. These efforts enhance safer and safer care for all patients. Healthcare service providers that participate in MSQH Accreditation programs are evaluating their services performance against nationally established standards of excellence as benchmark. These standards cover all aspects of healthcare, beginning with the patient’s point of entry into the healthcare system, patient’s interphase with healthcare providers, staff ethics, training and their competencies and outcomes of care.

Healthcare providers engage their time and resources to continuously learn how to improve their work processes and outcomes so that they can provide the safest health outcomes to their patients. Effective January 2013, hospitals are surveyed once every four years based on the 4th Edition of the MSQH Hospital Accreditation Standards. Following the survey by a team of peers, hospitals will receive one of the following three accreditation awards: 

  • Full Accreditation Status (4years) 
  • One Year Accreditation Status 
  • Non Accreditation

MSQH also ensures continuous compliance to the standards by having the accredited hospitals to submit the 12 month and 36 month compliance report. However, to further strengthen the above, effective 2013, the MSQH will also conduct ‘Surprise Surveillance’ to all accredited Hospitals.
Patients visiting hospitals should look for MSQH Accreditation Certificate on display at the hospital’s lobby. This certificate signifies that the hospital is concerned about patient safety and providing quality service. 
Similarly other MSQH Accreditation Programs that are implemented include: 

  • The Chronic Dialysis Accreditation Program which is available for implementation effective January 2013. 
  • The Medical Clinics Accreditation Program was launched in 2011.

The Malaysian Healthcare Consumers have yet to see the uptake and adoption of the standards. MSQH sincerely hopes that the healthcare consumers will be the driving force in the country to continuously support and motivate the healthcare providers to provide quality and safe care to all patients.



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