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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Child Adolescent Parenting Skills

What happens during the teen years?

Teens from age 10 to 19 years. At this time the teenager undergo changes in physical appearance or body, mind or mental, emotional, social and behavior. These changes are caused by hormonal changes found in the body during the transition from child to adult. All these changes can cause problems for the young, coupled with new responsibilities to be shouldered by them and the expectation of the people around them makes them feel depressed and confused by what was happening. If they are guided and given the knowledge and skills to deal with all this, so I was a teenager can go through properly and successfully.

Understanding adolescent

Change of body shape sometimes cause annoyance to teenagers. There are teenagers who are dissatisfied with their body shape. Some may complain to the higher, more muscular, leaner and more.
Change of thinking from concrete thinking to abstract thinking occurs at a slower rate than changes in the body. Thus we often hear parents complain about thinking less mature adolescents compared with their physical. Maturity of thinking is also associated with a person's life experience and the average teenager does not have a lot of life experience. Therefore, adolescents may be mistaken in making decisions which in turn cause problems for them.
Change in terms of emotions makes them easier sensitive to criticism, mood change, lack of confidence, self-reliant, finding their own identity and self-conscious. They're angry, rebellious, sulky, and so forth.
In terms of social, they want to belong to and received by a partner in a group. Therefore, parents need to know and monitor their children's friends for naughty friends will make them participate in unhealthy activities.
Teenagers also like to try new things, creative and have a lot of energy. If these benefits are channeled to the proper channels so youth can be successful but if the benefits are channeled in the wrong channel, so teens can get caught up in negative activities.
Why the need for close relationships between parents and teenagers?

Parent-child relationship close relationship characterized by mutual emotional quality felt and lasting.
This close relationship is essential to prevent children from being trapped with negative symptoms such as running away from home, substance abuse, truancy, crime, gangsterism and sex out of wedlock.
How to build a parent-child relationship that closely?

In general, at the age of 7-13 years, children are taught to be disciplined. At the age of 14 to 21 years, the parents should make their children as their friend. Parents need to lead and not make decisions for their teenage children. When parents or imperial directive, then teenagers will shy away from their parents. Moreover, if they have a problem they are more comfortable to refer to a friend and not their parents.
If possible, parents should refrain from scolding your child for their teenagers not unpleasant, but advise them. No need to elaborate. Just enough to convey the message advice. Advice will be bebelan flowing in the view of children and they will close the ear from hearing the advice.

As a parent you need to convince children to accept themselves as they are. They are perfect and do not need to feel inferior. Self-esteem is important to their future success.
Sometimes, the girl was deliberately tested how parents react to their misbehavior. Therefore, parents must be wise to address them. Show your authority as a parent. Misconduct handle them with utmost integrity. Do not be quick because this method eliminates curl of respect to parents.

Teenagers do not like to directed towards. They prefer to make their own decisions about the choice and on what they want to do. Therefore, if parents forbid then that they will do. Therefore, parents should help teens to make decisions but not make decisions for them.

During adolescence they are also easy to rebel. If parents also showed their perversity of attitude, there would have parent-child relationship will be tenuous. Instead parents need to be calm in dealing with this problem.
There may be parents who have teenage children, especially girls who are quick sulk or cry when reprimanded. This is because as young people, their emotional stability and not sensitive to the things for parents is a small matter. For teenagers, it has big things. Therefore, parents need plenty of patience.
Spend time with your children by getting involved with activities appropriate to their ages and interests. Share experiences in building a friendly relationship based on love and trust.

Give your children opportunities to learn specific skills and gain confidence. If they fall short, suggest ways to improve ourselves, do not criticize. Love and respect will reinforce their good behavior.
Make clear rules about what they can do and explain why rules are important. In this way, can help them make their own judgments. And firmly fixed in the regulations so that they do not take lightly to that set. If not, they will find reasons to not be punished. If the judge, explain to them, any offense has been made. So they will not repeat the mistakes that were made. It should be noted, perhaps they would object. However, it is temporary.

If they do good, give them the motivation to appreciate what they do. This can raise the morale and sense appreciated by them.
Filter media materials, especially from the internet comes to your children. Teenagers also need guidance to become knowledgeable consumers of media. Help them understand the difference between real life and what is portrayed in the media or the Internet.

Parents must be proactive in changing the environment for their children to be more conducive to the challenges ahead.
Tips for interacting with teenagers

It is normal for teenagers to be independent. Give them a chance to be independent.
Give your teens the privacy and allow them to make important decisions.
Admit to yourself, if you do too. You'd apologize. Talk back to a more rational way with your teens.
Discuss with the children to find out why they behave the same. Have preferred to hear their explanation and less talk. Try to understand their views or feelings.

The way you interact with your teens will have an impact on your relationship and adolescents. Cuba to close ties with them. When adolescents feel close to you, they are less likely to be involved with negative symptoms such as drug abuse and sexual relations outside of marriage.
Get help or support network around you if you do not address the issue of your teens alone.



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